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Sometimes repeats are a way of letting your heart think so that your mind is free to wander places with trees and wild flowers.
Swarms of bees make that honey which tastes so sweet but there is always bound to be that sting in getting it. I wonder if I have that sting now.
I wonder like im supposed to in solitude. I wonder like im made to and I wonder as the t-junction of my faith and past force me to.
There are people in the world who are made for you to like without any real reason or affection. You just like them because they create that sensation in you. I think its something to do with the bodys rocket-science or something somewhat.
T-junctions are quiet the speed bumps when you are in a flow racing towards a particular conclusion of nothingness. They are actually a mirage of the complications underneath. A decision is never a singular decision in its entirety.
Belief is taught and not realised, maybe that’s the biggest flaw about it. Maybe it’s the way its preached or maybe that its preached in the first place.
So what we believe to be a t-junction may in reality be a cross-road and that faith blinds as its supposed to. Straying from going on the divine hunt is what really clouds the extension of the junction. I may never know for sure unless im born from my limitations. So I wonder whose making is this womb. I wonder because im dependant on it. I wonder what it nourishes me on.
Belief suffers when an idea is created. Its like they are from the same life force, like that once singular life force is being tampered with by ideas. Were moths to an idea’s glow, it doesn’t matter if its evil or pure, we’re consumed before we can really figure out. So what if i were born without the injection of perception as the commercial drug? Would my instincts exist? I really cant be sure. Without that injection, human nature in itself would be a voluntary vaccination. Man-made takes on a whole new meaning, personally speaking.
Swarms of bees make that honey which tastes so sweet but there is always bound to be that sting in getting it. I wonder if I have that sting now.
I wonder like im supposed to in solitude. I wonder like im made to and I wonder as the t-junction of my faith and past force me to.
There are people in the world who are made for you to like without any real reason or affection. You just like them because they create that sensation in you. I think its something to do with the bodys rocket-science or something somewhat.
T-junctions are quiet the speed bumps when you are in a flow racing towards a particular conclusion of nothingness. They are actually a mirage of the complications underneath. A decision is never a singular decision in its entirety.
Belief is taught and not realised, maybe that’s the biggest flaw about it. Maybe it’s the way its preached or maybe that its preached in the first place.
So what we believe to be a t-junction may in reality be a cross-road and that faith blinds as its supposed to. Straying from going on the divine hunt is what really clouds the extension of the junction. I may never know for sure unless im born from my limitations. So I wonder whose making is this womb. I wonder because im dependant on it. I wonder what it nourishes me on.
Belief suffers when an idea is created. Its like they are from the same life force, like that once singular life force is being tampered with by ideas. Were moths to an idea’s glow, it doesn’t matter if its evil or pure, we’re consumed before we can really figure out. So what if i were born without the injection of perception as the commercial drug? Would my instincts exist? I really cant be sure. Without that injection, human nature in itself would be a voluntary vaccination. Man-made takes on a whole new meaning, personally speaking.
At 6:38 AM,
Chun said…
waiting for page 2..
At 7:00 PM,
fuss said…
i heart game
At 11:31 AM,
Azam said…
come on lad, lets have some more... some of the most meaningful things i know came about during the course of our 'discussions'... for the greater good... for the brotherhood... SAFE!
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