Of things known and unknown.
Is there is a thread that starts in another plane, crosses into this plan where I’m conscious about having a life, then it is supposed to cross back before it does a cross-stitch to cover up what was known as my existence here on earth?
How many of us have wondered about it? Why can’t we find the answer? Why do we suppress our curiosity? Where is this all going? Where all has it gone to so far? Where is it at right now?
So what happens when you die? Am I the only one who thinks about that, even though I write “Muslim” whenever a form asks me my religion? If I’m not the only one then why is everyone so obsessed with the accumulation of material wealth? This life is temporary, why the need for a bigger flat screen T.V? Why the struggle to save for a better car? Why lie to the beggar to afford a nicer meal? Why the fuss to find a financially settled husband? Why the designer bag and the Rolex watch?
If I really believe, why am I not out there doing everything I possibly can to earn as much divine brownie points to improve my chances to get into heaven? Why will I still wake up in the morning, convince myself that I’m working towards a better tomorrow and go through my routine for the day? Shouldn’t I be out there feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, lending a hand to the needy and standing up for a cause? Shouldn’t you?
If I just walked out my gate tomorrow morning to go help the needy, how long will it be till I myself become one with the needy? What of my dreams? Is it a materialistic pursuit to want to see the whole world? Is it wrong to want to walk that mile to see if that really is love; this time, and not just another mirage? What is the noble pursuit? Could we exist without commerce?
Murtaza, you’re a hypocrite aren’t you? Why are you so conflicted? Does your curiosity of the after-life and its mechanics outweigh your curiosity of this life? How long before the scales tilt? Are you made of stone? Will you still wake up tomorrow in the pursuit of your own happiness? You will, wont you? Do you know something that the rest of the world doesn’t?
At 3:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
i was thinking about something similar today. and being 'good' and not 'bad' or 'sinful'. the more i spend time with people not like me, i think, is this the normal life, and am i an anomaly? or is this just the natural course of action, and everything is tilting towards 'that way' eventually. maybe this is how the world ends. but who will i be in the end? one of them? and whose way is the right way anyway. if someting seems so normal, then maybe that is normality, and i am just missing the cue.
i am as confused as you :)
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
i been mulling too... i'm glad you've asked the question. well written.
my belief is a little personal. you might not agree with it. its kind of a face to face thing. i'll drop by tomorrow.
At 2:48 PM,
fuss said…
Why is an Armani shirt worth 10 times less if the word Armani is not appear on it?
It is just not the pursuit of good, my friend, it is the pursuit of common sense too.
When you fight materialism, you should ask yourself, why pay so much for someone else's name? At the end of the day, it's just a shirt and it's just a name.
Most of the purchases are not worth the money. A bbq meal at PC is the same as a bbq meal road-side, it's the same thing. Yet the price you pay is completely different. Call it paying for ambiance, but it's the same chicken that you devour. There are those less fortunate than us, and feeding them a meal will help them today. But what of tomorrow and the future? You, I, we all want to change something, we want to change this. There has to be another way...
At 12:13 AM,
Chun said…
we want to change the world, but not at our own expense. i think its just that simple.
At 3:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
We cant all change the world. I call shotgun!... please refer to me as 'Supreme Dictator-for-life' & 'Tyrant' Murtaza Zahoor
At 12:29 AM,
fuss said…
Change the world... says the tyrant. haha murti you're such an oxyMORON.
Just spoke to noon, he straightened the story out for me. Get up and start running. Run like Forest.
At 10:21 AM,
Chun said…
Not like the wind?
Forrests are slow and steady. (and hairy)
At 12:57 AM,
fuss said…
Run, Forest run.
Forest Gump that is.
At 8:55 AM,
Chun said…
At 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy?
At 4:39 AM,
Chun said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 4:40 AM,
Chun said…
...in a sky full of people, only somee want to flyyy, isn't that crazyy
(backing vocals)
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