The rain washes away all, along with our hopes for the day.
It may provide reprieve for some today;
It heralds the arrival of the summer sun.
Like an executioner sharing an anecdote;
Before aiming the gun.
Make haste, start living your life.
Today will always seem calm,
and tomorrow a storm.
Take control and put on your rain-coat.
Its not going to be pleasant but we must face that someday;
better today than tommorrow.
There they were; two trees arching for an entrance from nowhere of relevance into nothing in particular except for staging the battle between the moon and the darkness, with the moonlight falling piercingly like sharp arrows and the darkness swallowing them like a hungry river.
There is a fire burning in the distance, it flickers and goes out; like a faraway star which was already dead when it was christened. There is a law of equivalent trade in everything in the universe. There can be no absolute joy without the possibility of absolute pain.
*Trrrinngg*Trrringg* The sound of the elderly Sohrab Bicylce drew me out of my aloof and apathetic gaze. Thats when it happened a distincnt chance encounter with the sensation of freedom. What did that sensation look like? It had an unadulterated, unassuming and pointless smile. Pointless because it wasn't because of or towards somebody, it was just because it was, with no agenda of its own. Like a lonesome wildflower on the top of a hill, with no apparent purpose, but beautiful in its 'derive-less purpose' existence.
There was fire in those eyes and a mysterious cohesion with the elements all around. The fire burns, but i've already tied myself to the stake. I'm warm, i'm disillusioned... i'm a moth.
Like a fleeting fragrance, she came, she passed and she intoxicated. A thousand conflicts were put at bay. A thousand myths were slayed. A million more were born.
In one moment, inbetween one blink, one heartbeat, one breath and one flap of a moth's wings, i was dismantled and then restructured; standing there staring at the possibility of absolute pain.
At 3:07 AM,
Chun said…
p.s (I kill moths).
At 3:40 AM,
Azam said…
does the executioner tell us the anecdote to ease our pain or to lessen his own burden?
does the moth burn knowing that it will die if it flies too close?
will you smile ... even if you are only recalling those chance encounters?
that flower atop a hill exists on its own, not for any ulterior motive... but should we happen to cross paths with that isolated flower, such raidiance has a tendency to change us, often for the better.
every now and then, we all hide under wings, forgetting for an instance that wings were meant to fly...
big up. we have bnu to crush today. :D
At 4:20 AM,
fuss said…
how come along those washboard abs?
At 9:19 AM,
non e. muss said…
slain, not slayed.
At 10:03 AM,
Murtaza said…
Past tense and past participle, Slayed can still be used. Thanks anyways, try again soon.
At 11:46 AM,
Chun said…
btw non e muss wasn't me.
At 3:38 PM,
fuss said…
so much 'fuss' about ze english.
btw nonemuss wasn't me.
At 4:08 AM,
Murtaza said…
Slain does sound better though.. par musalmaan kee eik zubaan hoti hai ! :D
At 8:54 AM,
Chun said…
disappointment of the day: hico chocolate ice cream tastes like plastic.
i prefer slayed. the 'y' gives it character, almost onomatopoeic. (weird spelling)
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
you touched my heart.
At 4:29 PM,
fuss said…
murti, you touched my heart so hard you broke it. oooooooooooooh *snap* (simultaneous finger snapping and heartbreaking sound)
At 11:30 PM,
Murtaza said…
try rocco choc ice cream! its pretty good! .. and fussy i never meant to break your heart and finger =/
At 3:34 AM,
Chun said…
let's slay anonymous. :D
fussy, don't be a crybaby and cello-tape that heart together. fingers, i fear, are irreparable.
rocco, chocolate chuckle? kahan si milti hai?
At 7:43 PM,
fuss said…
I was laughed.
At 11:08 AM,
evil naani said…
dont loff.
At 2:46 AM,
Erectile Dysfunction said…
I really liked your article.
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