

Friday, October 28, 2005

Buy me a cup of coffee..

Heaven's doors wont open up to me ,with these broken wings im fallin... - Satan =]

Living on your own is liberating in ways which arent all good. For almost 2 decades someone or the other (read : mom) has been telling me what to do and now suddenly there just blank silence. Theres no one to judge my early morning excuses and i was never high on a moral conscious. I woke up from the alarm at 7:30 in the morning.. i wasnt feeling great but if i pushed myself harder i wouldv survived the workshop at 8, by instinct i came up with the excuse "im sick..iv got a fever..blahblah"..without Sgt. Mom i knew the excuse was just a formality to keep my vague sense of right and wrong from eroding.
Speaking of people telling me what to do, i was playing soccer yesterday and the ref. was this stocky scottish bloke! Instead of keeping the game in check he was trying to instigate a brawl! everytime i would make a strong tackle he`d, instead of telling me to keep it cool, say " thats the way! cmon lad get into it!" ( khattak wouldv liked him)
I saw a ghost in my room the other day. Maybe i was hallucinating as a result of being lonely in my room without a laptop (and hot blond girl) and a massive lack of sleep. Loneliness gets to you sometimes. It gets you so bad that you start to think. Yes, think. I was up late last night, couldnt sleep. I started to think about how i got here. I remembered a time 3 months ago when i had a similar discussion with myself, back then i mapped out all the possibilities and options i had for what i thought the future could hold for me. This one right here, the one possibility im living right now, was never an option. Fate in one instance in described.. :

" walk any path in destiny`s garden and you will be forced to choose not once but many times. The paths fork and divide with each step you take through destiny`s garden you make a choice ; and every choice determines future paths. However, at the end of a lifetime of walking you might look back and see only one path stretching out behind you ; or look ahead, and see only darkness." - Neil Gaiman , ' The Sandman '.

The next step i take will put me on a path which would cross the path of a hot blonde girl :D. hehe.. theres this spanish (looks so) chick sitting on the pc next to me and is constantly peeping at my window! This can mean one of three random possiblities:
1. Shes cross-eyed
2. She finds my post more interesting than this document she has open with biological lookin diagrams and lotsa blah blah.
3. She wants me.
so hey spanish chick if your reading this, buy me a cup coffee and i`ll tell you why cats smile..

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Captains Log Stardate 231005

heres the lowdown..
sunday! reading day =/ ..lotsa work piled up to read through! oh was an interesting week for me. Went out lookin for fun thrice..monday.. wednesday and saturday (last night). monday was quiz night, it was good light fun with my new mates.. wednesday was German Beerfest, which was also fun! :D i dont drink so it was very amusing watching everyone aruond me get drunk .. and finally last night went to this dance party which was reallly fun ! *no details due to public access to this blog* :D ..
I played football , 7-a-side on turf! we had two matches.. i was new so they didnt start me.. but 3mins in and one guy twisted his ankle or something.. and *drumrolls* in came the one. yes, it was i ! =D anyways, this was my first time on turf so my movements were a bit slow..but it was fun.. i didnt score and we lost both our matches that day due to some realllllllllyyyy pathetic goalkeeping and suicidal defending..but it was a good laugh! o and (*boys read carefully) i got new truf shoes :D :D :D :D.. WHITE new total 90s.. *ZIPPPLETS !!
o and i think i might have a stalker because everyday someone knocks on my door and then i hear someone running away..when i open the door *naturally* theres no one there.. Hmmm... also i had this other problem that someone who lived in the room above mine made ALOT of noise during the night (*shagging) and then some in the morning ..on weekends especially.. i was thinking of telling that person to keep it down, above my floor is the girls floor, so i presumed it would be some girl.. turns out .. above me lives the resident tutor and her boyfriend, WHO is the captain of the rugby team and is HUGE.. he could eat me alive without burping.
* Mr. Warf set co-ordinates to ......
......... bye :D

Monday, October 17, 2005

Captains log. star-date 171005

Exploring new lands is expensive! I had a very interesting weekend with rowdy french guys and girls dressed as school sluts.. and some other not AS interesting stuff.
Its 10:52am , and im in uncharted territory. I came to this lab class around 15mins late, i dont have any clue what to do here..but by invading other peoples privicy i can tell this is just a filler class..( today anyways ). For some STRANGE reason there are ONLY girls in this class , not even ONE other guy !.. im begining to wonder if im in the right room.. Hmmm... or if i have stumbled upon some secret-lab-for-hot-chicks ! :D .. but i`v lived enough to know to NEVER question the good things in life.. because when you do.. some really huge african man will come sit on the p.c next to yours !
On the topic of really huge african men.. i met this REALLLYYYYY tall african guy who speaks french ( dont remember where he`s from, prolly some french colony ) ..but this guy is CRAZY.. he runs around his residence corridor NAKED ( he was told off by the office guy and he now wears a shower robe) and he ONLY talks about PORN and other such related things.. he would be a perfect addition to either godley or kelly houses back in Aitchison :D but this guys gives out too much information.. hes always singing ..making weird noises and talking aobut doing his girlfriend back home. more about him later. Then theres this other french guy i made friends with whos not so interesting :P o.. and that black french guy is ALI .. pronounced ALY by him. ooo some really pretty girl just sat next me :D ( " heLLo look a bit lost " ) hehehe.. damit! i have another class to get to now !! crap.. aight i left my school slut/cheerleader costume girls out.. oh well.. may i live to blog another day then !!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Captains log. star-date 131005

I reached this alien land some 2 days ago on 11th october. It took me 18hrs of travel to get to this valley. I had to stop at 2 other alien towns en route. ... damit i was going to write a cool blog, but i have to rush tothe studnt union office and get my card made before it cloeses.. so in short.. im new here.. the uni. is huge.. its on a valley... a river runs through it.. and its really really REALLY beautiful !... o and i get lost everytime i leave my room :D...